Monitored Virtual-Learning Program

Our MVP Program is designed to help families in an unusual time

As the state, town, and school system all work together to try to create a safe learning scenario for our children, we can see that there are challenges. At Downtown Sports we have a facility that can help address some of those challenges by providing a safe environment where children can learn and play. Children will be able to log on for virtual learning in our facility and they will also have access to our gym and turf field when not engaged in school activities. We have been using rules and protocols to align with the state's guidelines through each Phase of Re-Opening and we continue to monitor and make adjustments, as required.

Program Details

  • Serving students from Second Grade and older
  • When not engaged in academic activities, participants will have the opportunity to play sports in our field and court spaces (i.e. breaks, "recess")
  • Although we expect primarily from Franklin, students from other districts may be accepted
  • Coverage* from 8am-3pm in three blocks per day (8-10:20am, 10:20am-12:40pm, 12:40-3pm), Monday through Friday (adjustment to start/end time for Middle School is available)
  • Early drop-off is available (7-8am) through separate registration-(See MVP-Early Arrival)
  • Last pick-up time is 3pm sharp!**
  • Each child must bring:
    • laptop
    • charger
    • headphones
    • daily class schedule so that our staff can assist with time management
  • Each child should bring:
    • snack, water bottle and/or lunch***
    • other necessary school supplies, in a small case (e.g. pencil case)
    • any password information to get to online resources
  • Cost: Week (M-F, 8-3)-$275  or parents may "customize" at $25 per time block (discount for siblings available)
  • Enrollment is limited to ensure adequate safety measures

Additional Notes

  • *Downtown Sports adult supervision-  Adults will be on hand to monitor your child's virtual learning and to help them where possible. Although our staff are trained educators, their role is to assist and not to teach.
  • **Parents may request alternate arrangements for drop-off/pick-up. Although we will do our best to accommodate, not all requests may be approved.
  • ***We can arrange for lunch options through George's Pizza. If interested, please let us know.
  • The MVP program being offered is not licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care or any other state agency.
  • 2020-08-28: Governer Baker Issues Executive Order Allowing for Remote Learning — We have submitted for approval from Franklin